Prior to studying Acupuncture at ICOM, Roy Haitzin travelled extensively for 10 years in South America and the Indian subcontinent. Living with, and exposure to, diverse range of indigenous cultures has sparked a long lasting interest in human communication, cultural practices and belief systems. While living in India, Roy was introduced to Chinese medical theory, which led to his enrolment to study Acupuncture at ICOM.  Roy graduated from ICOM in 2008 and has been in practice since then. In 2009, together with a fellow gradate, Roy established the Brighton Multibed Acupuncture Clinic – an affordable community acupuncture clinic in Kemp Town, Brighton. In 2013 Roy joined the Western Medicine faculty at ICOM as the Physiology Course Coordinator and the Anatomy lecturer. Roy teaches Physiology and Anatomy and is a Clinic Supervisor.

Roy Haitzin
BSc (Hons)