INR Clinical Neijing Program


With David White
Monthly program starting February 2025

Study the Huangdi Neijing with a distinct and clear focus on developing clinical skills to heighten your practice of classical medicine. This course is divided into three parts totalling 20 months of study.

Parts 1: £480
Part 2: £480
Part 3: £640

Book all 3 parts for £1,440 (saving £160)

There is an option to pay for the course fees in instalments. Please email us at [email protected] to set up a monthly payment plan.

SKU: N/A Category: Product ID: 19412


Clinical results through studying the classics:

Improve your skills in diagnostics, acupuncture treatment, and disease identification by studying the medicine of the Huangdi Neijing Lingshu 黃帝內經靈樞

For over two millennia the Lingshu Jing 靈樞經 has been the foundational reference text for acupuncture theory and practice. However, despite this impact, as a medical system much of the contents of the Lingshu pertaining to clinical practice fell by the wayside. This course aims to take participants through the principles of Lingshu acupuncture while building their repertoire of palpatory and observable diagnostics, pathology identification within the complete channel system, and precise, level based needling methodologies.

The INR Clinical Neijing Program will not only connect students with the origin of acupuncture, but will build their study and practice rooted in the needling classic. Every approach taught in this course comes not only from the text but from a lasting lineage of Neijing acupuncture, specifically the last 80 years of clinical practice on hundreds of thousands of patients in the practice of David White and his teachers.

In summary students will learn:

  • Foundational knowledge of the Lingshu, its theory and practice, philological analysis and clinical reasoning, classical textual scaffolding, Lingshu Zhenyan or mantra, and more.
  • Detailed diagnostics: pulse palpation not only at the wrist, but the entire circulatory system. This includes a focus on Renying / Cunkou (unilateral channel circulatory assessment), Sanbu Jiuhou (positional circulatory assessment), and Qikou (ventral cavity circulatory assessment).
  • Needling methods of the Lingshu Jing, a specialty of David White’s, where level based and precise needling are discussed in correlation with the diseases they treat.
  • A COMPLETE study of the pathological processes of the channel system, where we work through the classical lines, through specific disease manifestations, their clinical presentations, and the approach of the Neijing. This section will form the majority of this course as we work through the various channel components and their treatment.

What’s Involved?

The INR Clinical Neijing Program is a dedicated practice-orientated online and face-to-face study program for those interested in developing clinical skills of the Huangdi Neijing. Participants will be guided through the material through monthly online sessions, additional Q&A sessions, and then face-to-face clinical / workshops hosted here at ICOM in the UK.

How is the program structured?

Initially the program will be offered in 3 parts, with part 1 and 2 being 6 months each, and part 3 being 8 months. A dedicated discussion group will be formed for the enrolling class. Students will have constant support and connection with their instructor, David White. For a month by month breakdown please see below.

Who is the program designed for?

The INR Clinical Neijing Program is designed for all interested parties in clinical classical Chinese medicine. Students, new graduates, seasoned practitioners, and scholars alike are welcome to join. If you have previous studies in the Neijing (with the INR or other institutions) this program will only strengthen your understanding and approach. With hosting provided here at ICOM in the UK the timezone will be UK focused, however, recordings and support for those outside of the UK will be offered.

Please contact us: [email protected] for more details.

Options for further study

Access to the Lingshu Labs: Students enrolled in the Clinical Neijing Program who have completed the first 6 months (part one) will have the opportunity to join the Lingshu Labs for advanced study and community based mentorship in classical acupuncture of the Lingshu Jing. Note that Lingshu Labs DOES NOT replace core study of the Clinical Neijing Program, rather, it compliments it.

How much does it cost?

The first two parts are £480 each whilst the third part, which is 8 months, is £640. 

There is a discount if all three sessions are bought at once which is £1,440.

There is an option to pay for the course fees in instalments. Please email us at [email protected] to set up a monthly payment plan.

The INR Clinical Neijing Program

An overview of the full contents of the 20 month program.

Please note the following is subject to change, however, most of the dates, pricing, and more have been finalised. Additional information will be updated here, on the INR website and on the INR facebook and instagram pages.

PART ONE: 6 Months

Part one initiates students in the tradition of the Neijing, sets the core framework of studying and approaching the structure and language of the text and then, at a fast pace, delves into the depths of cornerstone diagnostics, with a heavy emphasis on pulse methodologies.

Dates & Time:

Part One:

  • Session 1: February 23rd 2025 8am-12noon UK time.
  • Session 2: March 30th 2025 8am-12noon UK time.
  • Session 3: 27th April 2025 8am-12noon UK time.
  • Session 4: 18th May 2025 8am-12noon UK time.
  • Session 5: TBC as it may coincide with the first in-person workshop. Will be finalised shortly.
  • Session 6: 27th July 2025 8am-12noon UK time.

The in-person workshop will be confirmed but we are aiming for June and it will be hosted here at ICOM in East Grinstead, UK. If there are larger numbers of enrolments from North America, Australia and more further workshops will be added. Cost will be £200 or equivalency for the workshops.


Session 1Neijing Medicine Essentials: Textual scaffolding, structure, theory, key areas of learning. Here students are introduced to the text, core reading material, Lingshu Zhenyan or Mantra and essential lines for development of their “Han Lens”. (4 Hours)
Session 2Physiological meditaions &Lingshu core theory + case presentation and discussion. Clinical identifying features of the Lingshujing, disease structures and foundational diagnostics. (4 Hours)
Session 3Neijing Diagnostic Matrix 1: Ventral Cavity Circulatory Assessment (Qikou / Maikou / Wrist pulse diagnosis in the Lingshu Jing with adjunct Suwen material discussed. Structure, mapping, seasonal, healthy, and core diseased pulses and their positions discussed. (4 Hours)
Q&A 1Specific questions answered, case discussion and more. (2 Hours)
Session 4Neijing Diagnostic Matrix 2: Positional Circulatory Assessment (Sanbu Jiuhou) and continuation of Qikou diagnosis. Clinical application, chapter thematic analysis, core Lingshu needling approach, and more. (4 Hours)
Session 5Neijing Diagnostic Matrix 3: Continuation of the above + Unilateral Channel Circulatory Assessment or Renying / Cunkou pulse diagnosis. A cornerstone of classical acupuncture and must for all students. (4 Hours)
Session 6Neijing Diagnostic Matrix 4: Continuation of the above + palpation and countenance assessment. This will conclude the theory for part one, however, it will continue immediately into part two. (4 Hours)
Q&A 2Specific questions answered, case discussion and more. (2 Hours)
WorkshopThese will run for 2 full days where all of the theoretical discussions above will be worked into practical clinical discussion, group activity, palpation practice, and more. This will be the first section of pulse calibration required for certification in this program.

PART TWO: 6 Months

Part two and three forms the nucleus of clinical Neijing studies: the channel system or what David terms the ‘Compass of the Jingluo”. This is not a tedious re-telling of what students learned during first and second year acupuncture studies, here we will go into the nuances of unique channel pathways, representations, structure and disease states, such as moving and unique illnesses, abundance and lacking, processional pathological metamorphosis (PPM) and much more. The focus, however, is not so much on pathway study as it is on the clinical understanding of the patho-physiology of each channel complex – where we look at understanding the diseases, their place in the text, and place in practice. Note the compass sessions are fast paced study, student questions will be required via email and the Q&A sessions will be extended. If more time is needed then it will be allocated accordingly.

Dates & Time: To be confirmed shortly.


Session 1Lingshu Needling Techniques 1: A clinical exploration of the common needling techniques and tools (nine needles) used in Neijing acupuncture. This will include technical study, disease study, and application in practice. Pre-recorded practical videos will accompany these lectures.
Session 2Lingshu Needling Techniques 2: Continuation of the above.
Session 3Compass of the Jingluo: Western Metal part 1, Taiyin Lung: channel and line study and focus on the diseases, diagnostics and treatment.
Q&AAs above
Session 4Compass of the Jingluo: Western Metal part 2, Yangming Large Instestine.
Session 5Compass of the Jingluo: Central Earth Part 1, Yangming Stomach.
Session 6Compass of the Jingluo: Central Earth Part 2, Taiyin Pi (Spleen / Pancreas).
Q&AAs above
WorkshopA two day exploration of the classical needling techniques of the Lingshu Jing with exploration of palpation, diagnosis, tools used, and case analysis. Further pulse calibration will be assessed.

PART THREE: 8 Months

A continuation of part two.

Dates & Time:

To be confirmed shortly.


Session 1Compass of the Jingluo: Southern Fire, Shaoyin Heart
Session 2Compass of the Jingluo: Southern Fire, Taiyang Small Intestine
Session3Compass of the Jingluo: Northern Water, Taiyang Bladder
Session 4Compass of the Jingluo: Northern Water, Shaoyin Kidney
Session 5Compass of the Jingluo: Southern Fire (b) Jueyin Xinzhu
Session 6Compass of the Jingluo: Southern Fire (b) Shaoyang Sanjiao
Session 7Compass of the Jingluo: Eastern Wood, Shaoyang Gall Bladder
Session 8Compass of the Jingluo: Eastern Wood, Jueyin Liver

The final workshop will also be a two clinical deep dive into practical applications associated with the entire program. It will also serve as a graduation for those who have completed the program. Certificates will be issued.

Community Building

The intention of this program is to create a community of practitioners dedicated to classical chinese medicine. That’s why this program is a lot more than just a series of lectures. 

There will be additional opportunities to connect with this material through:

  • Community Groups that encourage participants to work together, share case studies, and so much more.
  • Additional Workshops, LingShu Labs, which go deeper into topics related to the course (Comes with an additional cost).
  • Highlighted other talks, speakers, topics which build on the theories of the LingShu. 

Additional Information

Anyone is welcome to join this INR program. This covers everyone from students of Chinese Medicine through to long-standing practitioners.

It’s preferable to join the programme from the start. However, late-comers can join the programme and catch up. This may not provide the same experience for any missed lectures but will enable you to learn with the community. In some instances it will be required that students undertake certain seminars to catch up. In this instance they will have access to pre-recorded full seminars.


Part 1: 23 February 2025, 30 March, 27 April, 18 May, date tbc, 27 July, 31 August, 28 September, 26 October

The times will be 8am-12pm UK time.

The date for the in-person session will be confirmed soon. This will take place at ICOM in East Grinstead, UK. If there are large numbers of people in other parts of the world, for example North America or Australia, David can look at additional external workshops. 

The dates for the second and third parts will be confirmed soon. They will start shortly after the next without a long break. 


The first two parts are £480 each whilst the third part, which is 8 months, is £640. 

There is a discount if all three sessions are bought at once which is £1,440.

There is an option to pay for the course fees in instalments. Please email us at [email protected] to set up a monthly payment plan.

The cost for the in person session will be £200. This will be done on a first-come, first serve basis as there is a limit of 20 people. More details will follow soon.

Certificates of Attendance

Please note that we are registered to issue CPD certificates of attendance (Certificates of Continued Professional Development) recognised by professional associations in the UK. If you require a certificate recognised by an overseas professional association, please check with them that our CPD certificate will be accepted by them prior to booking onto any course as we are not registered to issue any other type of certificate. CPD certificates of attendance can only be issued for courses attended either live online or in person at the college. We cannot issue certificates for recordings purchased.

Teacher Biography

David White Neijing Acupuncture

David White is a scholar-physician who has dedicated the last 22 years of his clinical practice and academia to the exploration of the Huangdi Neijing. He is the founder and director of the Institute of Neijing Research (INR), a developing community of like-minded practitioners investigating the clinical, cultural, and historical nature of the Neijing and its associated texts. David has lectured internationally for the last 16 years in Neijing acupuncture and was also a senior lecturer in acupuncture at the Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, focusing on foundations and technique. He maintains a private practice in Sydney, Australia.


Here’s a free introductory lecture about studying the LingShu:


Cancellation policy for CPD course bookings
  • Refunds for cancellations two or more months before the course commencement will incur a 15% administration fee. 
  • Refunds for cancellations between two months and two weeks before the course commencement will incur a 25% administration fee. 
  • Refunds for cancellations two weeks before the course commencement will incur a 50% administration fee. 
  • No refund will be given for no shows or cancellations upon the course commencement. 
  • Any amount overpaid by the student will automatically be refunded to the student’s account. 
  • If for any reason a course is cancelled by ICOM, all money received will be refunded in full. ICOM will only cancel a course if absolutely necessary.

Additional information

Select part

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, All 3 Parts