Welcome to ICOM, the oldest acupuncture training college in Europe.
Is studying acupuncture for you?
People come to study with us from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. Some tell us that they have been thinking about it for years, whereas others have only recently discovered acupuncture.
Our students have worked in marketing, landscape gardening, health, finance, or they may not have fulfilled a career path at all. The main thing that our students and graduates all have in common is their desire to learn acupuncture and to help others.
So why should you choose our Course?
Well here are some of the most important reasons:
Firstly we are unique in teaching and integrating all three key acupuncture theories, not just one or two theories. We teach you traditional Chinese medicine theory, five element theory and in addition to these we teach you the classical acupuncture theory of stems and branches. ICOM is unique in being the only UK course that teaches stems and branches. We have gained an international reputation for our classical acupuncture training, its depth and breadth and quality, along with several independent commendations for the quality of our teaching, and for our student experience. Please contact us to find out more about our acupuncture curriculum.
Secondly we offer you a unique clinic training experience, incorporating a carefully designed stepping stone approach so that you build your confidence in your clinic practice and treatments. We believe that we are the only course that integrates several Chinese medicine philosophies into clinical practice in this way.
Thirdly we believe that by the end of our course our graduates are fully equipped to handle the challenges of clinical practice. How do we know and how did they get there? We know because we teach Chinese Medicine fully as well as teaching ALL the acupuncture points. Our unique take is that we teach from the Classics and deliver using contemporary methods in order to enable integration with western medicine and our western society context. Our graduates say that as they start to work in their own practices and settings, and take advantage of the professional CPD courses, they realise the depth of training they have received at ICOM.
Students become infected with our constant passion for health, acupuncture and natural healing. In our view the beauty of nature is that it holds ALL the keys, but the skill comes from knowing and understanding which particular approach and when – hence our very comprehensive Chinese medicine and western medicine curriculum.
Our students tell us that they receive excellent individual student support and personal attention, which can be rare within higher education.
Talk it through
If you’re thinking about studying acupuncture either now or even years away in the future, please ring us to chat through your own position; we’re very keen that people study only when they’re ready to but it is sometimes helpful to gain as much information as possible in order to help you plan and prepare.
We realise that you are all juggling responsibilities in different ways, maybe with work commitments or because you have children or other dependents. To try and help you we offer a variety of study options – weekday or weekend, part time or full time, any mix of these – it’s your choice.
Ring us on 01342 313106 / 7 to start the first step to an exciting, inspiring and rewarding new career in acupuncture.
Elio Basagni